This unique collection of puzzles are as enigmatic and as complex as the great man himself and are now available for our fellow puzzlers to enjoy.
Einstein was a scientist, a philosopher, a musician, an activist and a genius. Born the son of a salesman and a housewife in Germany near the turn of the 20th century, he is now considered one of the world’s greatest minds. In 1905 during his ‘golden year’, he published four ground-breaking papers and introduced his theory of special relativity, forever changing the way we viewed space, time and energy. He went on to receive the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his scientific contributions. In 1999, 44 years after he died, he was named Time magazine’s “Person of the Century” beating politicians, musicians and religious leaders for the title and confirming his status in popular culture.
The Atom Puzzle
The Fish Puzzle
The Number Puzzle